The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 4-6 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.
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String System Outdoor Shelf Unit 116x85x60cm / silver/galvanized
The String System Outdoor Shelf Unit 116x85x60cm has been created by Björn Dahlström and Anna von Schewen for the brand String. This shelving unit is part of the String collection of adaptable household furnishings. In this case, it also belongs to the brand's range of resilient and highly practical outdoor storage products - providing extra space for the accessories that gardens require.
The String System Outdoor Shelf Unit 116x85x60cm has three levels. Two of the shelves measure 116cm wide by 60cm deep, while the upper section is half as large. This upper section has been cut away to provide space to hang accessories via a perforated sheet, while also allowing room for plants to grow without being hampered. Each shelf is made from galvanised steel with a silver finish, while the frame is made from the same material.
The String System Outdoor Shelf Unit 116x85x60cm stands 85cm high and the height of the shelves can be altered via the side bars. The choice of materials ensures that the shelving unit will be able to handle temperature extremes and moisture without suffering damage, while feet have also been added to the base, protecting garden flooring and stabilising the design.
The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 4-6 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.