The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.
The Piston Rug 170x240cm has been designed by the in-house studio for the brand Studio Zondag. This beautiful investment rug exemplifies the exciting design aesthetic of the Studio Zondag brand, which is known for its use of traditional Japanese and Scandinavian influences, and nods of retro Western styling. The result is an exciting, personality-filled collection of interior pieces that will elevate any contemporary home.
The Piston Rug 170x240cm is crafted from 100% New Zealand wool for a luxurious finish that is soft, hard-wearing and beautiful to look at. Wool also naturally repels water and is hypoallergenic, making this a great choice for lounges, dining spaces and bedrooms. The rug has a length of 170cm and a width of 240cm making it generously sized and ideal for softening hard floors. It weighs 21kg.
With a beautiful modern design that provides a sense of texture and subtle visual interest, the Piston Rug 170x240cm features a design of dense parallel lines, circles and interconnecting grid lines for a fresh look. The quality of the piece is reinforced in the superb workmanship and perfect finishing. The rug uses traditional techniques for an elevated look and the natural wool is dyed in a soft grey.
The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.