The product has already been reordered from the manufacturer and is expected to arrive at our warehouse on the specified date. Shipping to the desired delivery address currently takes an additional 1-3 working days within Germany and 5-7 working days for deliveries by forwarding agents. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.
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Stau Side 200 Sideboard 200x110cm / white/WxHxD 200x110x45cm
The Stau Side 200 Sideboard 200x110cm has been created by Bastian Prieler for the brand Tojo. Kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms will typically come with pre-installed storage. However, more storage space is always needed such as a TV unit in a living room, a chest of drawers in bedrooms and shelves for displaying decorative items. Ideally, the added storage units work with existing ones rather than clash with them.
The Stau Side 200 Sideboard 200x110cm will work with any and all pre-installed storage units. This is thanks to its clean, uncluttered lines. The unit doesn't even have handles, instead, recesses are used to open the doors. The unit is all white except for wood tones that line in a pattern on the front. This effect has deliberately been created by coating the MDF that the unit is made of except around the edges. It is these undone sides that are seen as a pattern going down the unit.
The Stau Side 200 Sideboard 200x110cm has a width of 200cm, a height of 110cm and a depth of 45cm. It has four doors with recessed handles and two shelves. Apart from domestic use, it can be used in offices to hold files and folders.
The product has already been reordered from the manufacturer and is expected to arrive at our warehouse on the specified date. Shipping to the desired delivery address currently takes an additional 1-3 working days within Germany and 5-7 working days for deliveries by forwarding agents. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.