The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.
The delightful Diabolix Bottle Opener was designed by Cisotti Biagio for the manufacturer Alessi.
Don't be scared by the devilish grin: the Diabolix Bottle Opener is really a helpful spirit who loves a good party. Diabolix is a very welcome companion around the kitchen, at a barbecue or at a picnic. Made from a heavy-duty polymer, it's strong enough to prise open even the toughest crown-cap, while its curved shape fits easily in the hand and slides comfortably into a pocket.
Who says there's no room in great design for a bit of humour? This design shows the characteristic Alessi ability to find the sense of fun in household objects, and Biagio was an enthusiastic contributor to the 'form-follows-function' approach, creating a figure whom you could easily imagine rising from a magic lamp. We're convinced that the Diabolix Bottle Opener makes the perfect housewarming present, as well as an ideal gift for anyone who likes to get in touch with their mischievous side. And, of course, it's the perfect conversation starter if you're having people round for a few drinks on Halloween.
The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.