The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.
The Fernando the Fish Nelson Clock was designed in the year 1965 by George Nelson for Vitra.
The wall clock Fernando the Fish is a charming accessory for your home and especially popular with children. This wall clock is clearly distinguished from other wall clocks, also designed by Nelson for Vitra, by its graphic design. Fernando the Fish is part of the Zoo Timers series, all featuring bold colours and graphic designs. The Fernando the Fish Wall Clock by Vitra represents a large round fish and is kept in the colours blue and green. The clock is made of metal.
We also carry many other products by Vitra in our online shop, like the Coconut Chair or the Eames Plastic Chair collection.
The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.