The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 5-7 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.
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1 design:
20.Venti Desk 120x60cm / bleached oak/fabric Kvadrat Divina Melange 120/LxWxH 120x60x81.5cm/frame steel powder-coated white
The small drawer, accessible through a folding door on the table top with a hydraulic lift, can be used as a small compartment for small everyday items, stationery, smartphones or tablets.
The Divina Melange fabric bag can be used as storage space for items or magazines.
The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 5-7 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.